Sunday, March 25, 2012

Comparison In Matthew 26

Comparing the woman who poured oil on Jesus' head, and the man who betrayed Jesus.

First the woman pouring oil:
In doing this she showed love, sacrifice, faith, understanding, and affection.

The woman had hardly spent much time with Jesus, yet she didn't need to. She knew He is God, she knew He is going to be her savior, and she understood what was going to take place for this to happen. In that short time she showed her faith, love, affection, willingness to sacrifice and her understanding.

Second the man who betrayed Jesus:
He showed lack of faith, lack of love, anger, greed, lack of understanding.

This man literally lived with Jesus, he did everything with him. He ate, slept, talked, walked with Jesus. He heard all that Jesus was saying day in and day out. Yet he had know idea who Jesus was, he had no true understanding or real grasp of who Jesus truly is. He showed that he did not understand, he did not love, and he did not care.

This is a prophesied in Psalm 41:9. Jesus was going to be betrayed by someone close.

Still this bares a deep thought for all believers to ponder. Those of us who live day by day not knowing Jesus truly, who live like Romans 7:13-21.

We are that way because we don't understand. We know who Jesus is, and we know what righteousness means, and we know scripture...but we don't understand it all. It never drops I. Or clicks on in our minds. There is no depth to our relationship with Jesus, no real investment. That is why we live that way.

It's a heavy reality but it is a reality nonetheless. Go wants no one to perish, He wants us all to know Him.

We cannot let our decision be swayed by the world and the people in it. There are people out there who have "valid" arguments, people who have strong resolve that leads to an ultimately meaningless point. We have seen and heard many great debates (arguments) that in the end all show us the vanity of their pride. None of us will pull those arguments before the throne, you won't be able to tell God "well you see I don't believe in you, I believe that the universe was created billions of years ago and is a product of chance. So I'm sorry but I will not accept your judgement on me and I believe I have the right to enter here". No, that will not do, there will be NO debates about it. There are only two options. Either you are like the woman who poured the oil on Jesus, in worship, love, adoration and self-sacrificing. Or you are the one who has no true love for Jesus, you will betray him at a price.

You see, our life does not need to be lived in shame for how we lack in loving God, or for how we struggle against our flesh.
Our life needs to be one rejoicing in your forgiveness, rejoicing I your savior and rejoicing in God and His great love. You are not lost and too far gone. Jesus forgave your sins, all of them. There is no point of no return. You know what you have to do. You have to come to Jesus, confess to Jesus, and you have to actually have a relationship with Jesus. How can you fall in love and be passionate when there is nothing there to be passionate about! You do not do what the spirit wants you to do because you don't listen or understand what it is saying.

Remember Matthew 7:21 "not everyone who says to me Lord, Lied shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my father that is in heaven"

Be blessed and be in a relationship with Jesus and let it grow.

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